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  1. Dejenie Mengistie, Zewdu Edea, Tesfaye sisay Tesema, Genet Dejene, Tadelle Dessie, Kwan Suk Kim and Hailu Dadi (2022). Genome-Wide Signature of Positive Selection and Linkage Disequilibrium in Ethiopian Indigenous and European Beef Cattle Breeds. DOI:
  2. Anmut Bekele, Yosef Tadesse, Tadelle Dessie, Wondmeneh Esatu and Setegn Worku (2022). On- Farm Evaluation of Genotype by Environment Interaction on Egg Production Traits of Exotic Chicken at Selected Zones of Amhara Region, Ethiopia. DOI
  3. Negash, Fikrineh and Abegaz, Solomon and Tadesse, Yosef and Jembere, Temesgen and Esatu, Wondmeneh and Dessie, Tadelle. 2022. Evaluation of Growth Performance and Feed Efficiency in Exotic Chicken Breed Crosses Involving Fayoumi.
  4. Wolde S, Mirkena T, Melesse A, Dessie T, Abegaz S. (2022). Effects of genotype and age on growth performance and carcass traits of chickens in southern Ethiopia. J. Anim. Health Prod. 10(1): 107- 115. DOI | ISSN | 2308-2801.
  5. Amane, A.; Belay, G.; Tijjani, A.; Dessie, T.; Musa, H.H.; Hanotte, O. (2022). Genome-Wide Genetic Diversity and Population Structure of Local Sudanese Sheep Populations Revealed by Whole- Genome Sequencing. Diversity, 14, 895.
  6. A.A. Gheyas, M. Rachman, O. Bamidele, T. Dessie, J. Smith, O. Hanotte (2022). Whole genome sequencing reveals genetic diversity and heat-stress adaptation in Nigerian indigenous chickens. World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. Rotterdam, The Netherlands 3 - 8 July 2022.
  7. K.M. Morris, K. Sutton, M. Girma, W. Esatu, B. Solomon, T. Dessie, L. Vervelde, A. Psifidi, O. Hanotte and G. Banos (2022). Phenotypic characterization of African chickens raised in semi-scavenging conditions. World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. Rotterdam, The Netherlands 3 - 8 July 2022.
  8. Kebede, F.G., Komen, H.; Dessie, T., Hanotte, O., Kemp, S., Pita Barros, C., Crooijmans, R., Derks, M., Alemu, S.W., Bastiaansen, J. (2022). Exploiting phenotypic plasticity in animal breeding. World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production. Rotterdam, The Netherlands 3 - 8 July 2022.
  9. Hailemariam, A., Esatu, W., Abegaz, S., Urge, M., Assefa, G. and Dessie, T. (2022) Serum Biochemical and Meat Fatty Acid Profiles of Different Chicken Genotypes. Open Journal of Animal Sciences, 12, 287-302.
  10. Hailemariam, A., Esatu, W., Abegaz, S., Urge, M., Assefa, G. and Dessie, T. (2022) Serum Biochemical and Meat Fatty Acid Profiles of Different Chicken Genotypes. Open Journal of Animal Sciences, 12, 287-302. DOI: 10.4236/ojas.2022.122022
  11. Hailemariam, A., Esatu, W., Abegaz, S., Urge, M., Assefa, G. and Dessie, T. (2022) Sensory Characteristics, Nutritional Composition, and Quality of Eggs from Different Chickens. Open Journal of Animal Sciences, 12, 591-615. doi: 10.4236/ojas.2022.124043
  12. Berhanu Bekelle, Aberra Melesse, Wondmeneh Esatu, and Tadelle Dessie (2022). Growth Performance and Egg Quality traits of Ethiopian Indigenous chicken in three agro-ecologies. International Halich Congress on Multidisciplinary Scientific Research. March 12-13, 2022, İstanbul, Turkey,
  13. Berhanu Bekele, Aberra Melesse, Wondmeneh Esatu, and Tadelle Dessie. (2022). Evaluation of fertility, hatchability, and growth performance of indigenous, sasso and their F1 cross chicken genotypes in Southern Ethiopia. Veterinary Integrative Sciences; 20(3): 597-608 DOI: 10.12982/VIS.2022.045.
  14. Birhanu M.Y., Jasmine E. Bruno, Tesfahun Alemayehu, Wondmeneh Esatu, Kumlachew Geremew, Tsion Yemane, Fasil Getachew Kebede & Tadelle Dessie (2022). Beyond diffusion to sustained adoption of innovation: A case of smallholder poultrydevelopment in sub-Saharan Africa, International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability,
  15. Birhanu, M. Y., Osei-Amponsah, R., Obese, F. Y. & Dessie, T. (2022). Smallholder poultry production in the context of increasing global food prices: roles in poverty reduction and food security. Animal Frontiers.(Accepted paper).
  16. Esatu, W., Kassa, B., Lulie, B. Kebede, A., Genetu, G., Yismaw, K., Jember, Z., Yeheyis, L., Girma, M. and Dessie, T. (2022). A guide to setting up a selective indigenous chicken improvement program: The Tilili breed in Ethiopia. ILRI Manual 57. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI
  17. Esatu, W., Goromela, E.H., Kafuku, S.H., Mpemba, C.H., Chando,M., Andrew, O., Burilo, A.B., Katabazi, L. and Dessie, T. (2022). A guide to setting up a selective indigenous chicken program: The Horasi breed in Tanzania. ILRI Manual 58. Nairobi, Kenya: ILRI
  18. Getnet Zelleke, Mengistu Urge, Getachew Animut, Wondmeneh Esatu, Tadelle Dessie. (2022). Comparative growth performance and carcass characteristics of guinea fowl (Numida meleagris) and three chicken genotypes. Ethiop. J. Sci. & Technol. 15(1): 81-99
  19. Gebru, G., Belay, G., Vallejo-Trujillo, A., Dessie, T., Gheyas, A. and Hanotte, O. (2022). Ecological niche modelling as a tool to identify candidate indigenous chicken ecotypes of Tigray (Ethiopia). Frontiers in genetics, 13. DOI: 10.3389/fgene.2022.968961
  20. Jebessa E, Guo L, Chen X, Bello SF, Cai B, Girma M, Hanotte O and Nie Q. (2022). Influence of Eimeria maxima coccidia infection on gut microbiome diversity and composition of the jejunum and cecum of indigenous chicken. Front. Immunol. 13: 994224.DOI: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.994224

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